
London Dermatology Clinic

SEO, PPC & Link Building









SEO Strategy

Our partnership with the London Dermatology Clinic began with a thorough collaboration in the realm of SEO, encompassing a diverse range of crucial elements:


Keyword Research and Site Architecture

  • Conducted in-depth keyword research to identify relevant search terms.
  • Implemented structural changes on the website, organizing similar keywords and establishing a clear page hierarchy.
  • Identified opportunities for new pages within the existing framework and developed a detailed integration plan.
  • Crafted a robust internal linking strategy to enhance search rankings and improve Google's understanding of page purposes.
  • Established a strong network of external links from relevant websites and articles to foster trust and enhance authority.


Transition to Link-Only Provider

Carefully crafting a robust internal link profile was pivotal in improving rankings and assisting Google in comprehending the purpose of each page.


CTA Factors

We utilized a range of advanced techniques to elevate conversion rates and overall revenue for the London Dermatology Clinic:

  • Redefining Pricing Tiers: Using comprehensive data from the previous two years, we overhauled the delivery pricing structure. This subtle adjustment resulted in a remarkable 35% increase in revenue. Acknowledging that seemingly unfair pricing could deter customers, we strategically integrated margins into various areas, successfully aligning prices with customer expectations.
  • Improving User Experience: Through meticulous analysis, we identified critical junctures in the user journey where customers encountered difficulties in locating products or information. Our objective shifted towards providing solutions at each of these junctures, effectively addressing their needs. This emphasis on enhancing the customer experience not only elevated user satisfaction but also significantly boosted conversion rates.


PPC Transformation

Our approach to Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising experienced a significant transformation:

  • Initial Obstacles: Initially, our Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns encountered difficulties attributed to a less-than-optimal return on investment (ROI), posing challenges in justifying the resources allocated.
  • Transition to Google Shopping: Recognizing the need for a strategic change, we transitioned to Google Shopping, achieving an outstanding 350% return on investment (ROI). This remarkable figure, excluding repeat visits, played a pivotal role in significantly boosting both site traffic and revenue. Continuous optimization solidified PPC as an integral element of COMPANY's success.


Landing Pages and Content Redesign

As London Dermatology Clinic rolled out new products and services, a comprehensive overhaul of landing pages and content became imperative. Collaborating closely with London Dermatology Clinic's team, including their developers, we initiated the following initiatives:

  • Creation of New Landing Pages: We created new landing pages, carefully incorporating compelling calls to action, trust indicators, and prominently showcasing key products available for purchase.
  • Focused on Keywords: Each page was meticulously tailored to align with in-depth keyword research, guaranteeing comprehensive information to effectively address user queries. This strategy aimed to optimize user engagement and elevate conversion rates.
Our Results
Meet the team

We’ve told you about how great our marketing is, but great marketing needs a great team. With over 8 years of experience and untold hours of refined digital services, we’re happy with our skillset and our culture.

About Us
What did they say?
Egle Angel Joel
Clinic and Operation Manager

Over the last three years, Liam and his team have demonstrated exceptional prowess in boosting our website traffic, resulting in significant team expansion. Their remarkable communication skills and friendly approach have made collaborating with them a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

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